The Lavender Loft

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The Lavender Loft
The Lavender Loft

“Original watercolour art work ”

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  • Dog Shampoo Bar

    Dog Shampoo Bar

    The Lavender Loft


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About The Lavender Loft

The Lavender Loft

Great things happen when you lose yourself in art

Hi I'm Tracy, I started watercolour painting to help ease my mind after the loss of my dog, my heart goes into every piece I create, I don't ever create " bad " paintings, those that I don't feel are worthy of sharing I take lessons from.
I love a wide variety of craft, my other passions are making natural dog products which are selling very well and have great reviews, and crochet, I make and sell many hats during the winter period from my own pattern.
A little about myself, I have three beautiful children and three even more beautiful grand children, I also have a Bullmastiff dog called Gunner, up until recently I had an Old English Bulldog called Indie, Indie is my soul mate, she was my everything, she is my inspiration behind my painting and dog products, she may not be here with me in person but she will always be in my heart and my minds eye, the picture in the heading is "My minds eye "