Kaggie Lou Bears

Karen Sutherland

“Handmade Teddy bears and other creatures”

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About Kaggie Lou Bears

Kaggie Lou Bears

Handmade Teddy bears and other creatures

I have loved Teddy bears since I was very young, I made my first jointed bear from a kit when I was about 18 - so back in the dark ages! In reality a little over 30 years ago - I just made them for myself and family for many years.
I have a houseful of pets, mostly of the scaly and slippery sort thanks to my children, although we do have 2 dogs and 2 cats, all of whom are kept away from the bears as they cannot be trusted. So I shut myself away in what was the kids playroom to design and make them, then venturing out into natural light to add the finishing touches and for a photo shoot.
To make my bears I mostly look at mohair/viscose that calls to me - usually by the colour. All of my bears are ones that I would be happy to have in my own hug - letting them go can be difficult.