IN Art Spectrum

“Fine Art, Abstract & Design '98 ⇌ ∞ | Oil, Watercolour, Dry Media”

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About IN Art Spectrum

IN Art Spectrum

By creating art, energy flows in unpredictable ways, making each piece unique and inspiring.

Welcome to my Artsy Shop!

Let me share a bit about myself. I was born and grew up in a city where art blooms by the shoreline, and it was there that my creative flame was sparked. Surrounded by the brushstrokes of international painters and the charm of an ancient harbour, my passion for art flourished. Since '98, my artistic journey has taken me on a fantastic trip. Here on Folksy, I offer my unique oil painting miniatures and watercolours, while my larger-format oil paintings are showcased on Saatchi Art.

Art and crafting are my daily essentials; each stroke of paint is a fulfilling part of my life. When not creating, I'm lost in books or writing poetry, always accompanied by ambient tunes and nature that inspire me. Thank you for getting to know me. I look forward to serving you and perhaps building a friendship along the way.

Follow me on Twitter: @Art_JReszka
Visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel: @Art_JReszka

I'm Jaroslaw Reszka, and creating art is my true passion. On my channel, I invite you to join me on the journey of a full-time artist, where I share my artworks and reveal my creative process. I specialise in crafting abstract works, fine art, and intricate miniatures.

Known in the past under pseudonyms like:

Ivar Nevan
Jesse M Hawthorne
Jay | JFR
and many more
Effectively from the 26th of June 2024, I will work and present my art exclusively and only under my original name, Jaroslaw Reszka. We all grow and develop over time; I have had to fight my identity crisis for nearly my entire life, producing many artworks under pseudonyms I can't even remember today. It's time for me to stand and move forward with what I had from day one. I'm excited to share this journey with you and embrace my true identity as I continue to create and evolve.