Handmade by Shell

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Handmade by Shell
Handmade by Shell

“Handcrafted and personalised gifts for all occasions.”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Handmade by Shell

Handmade by Shell

I make beautiful handcrafted gifts and home decor in the heart of the Majestic Forest of Dean.

Hello and thank you for having a look at at my shop and all I have to offer.

I used to wonder around the craft fairs and gift shops in my local area and wish that I could make something like that, so I decided to teach myself a craft. I am a crafter but sadly not an artist (I really can't draw!).

I make lovely handcrafted gifts and homeware using decoupage and often personalise with vinyl. I love making gifts for all occasions and feel very proud and validated with each and every sale and a happy customer.

My favourite material to work with is slate as it is so rustic and unique and I'm inspired by flowers and nature.

Sadly I don't get to craft as much as I like to because I have 3 children and a young dog and I also work as a receptionist. I find crafting therapeutic

When I'm not crafting, I enjoy walking in the beautiful forest behind my house, swimming, reading and cooking.

I hope you find what you are looking for in my shop.

Thank you for your time.