All Naturally Ewe

“A Beautiful Selection Of Naturally Dyed Fluff and Stuff and Wonderful Hand Spun Yarns.”

Shop Announcement:

Hello, all I am delighted to say my new packaging is has arrived it's very eco friendly. The bags are compostable for home composting along with the tape and boxes. They aren’t as pretty as my old ones but they are planet kind and that’s very important.

For a large order you may receive one of my older poly bags but there are not many left.

I am trying to put new items into the shop several times a week so please stop buy soon if there is nothing to tempt you today.

I will be posting twice a week to reduce time spent out during this time, which I am sure you will understand.

Keep well.
Linda and Mum

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

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About All Naturally Ewe

All Naturally Ewe

Passionate about naturally dyeing and creating wonderful fluff and stuff.

This all started in 2016 when I was given the book Wild Colour by Jenny Dean for Christmas. My Mum 'borrowed' said book shortly after I recieved it and began a little dyeing project. It didn't take long for her to dye all the wool I had spare so I ordered more which she again dyed in a short time. ( She's 78 years young, shh.) Not only was the wool being used quickly we were also getting a lot to store so I opened an Etsy shop in 2017 to help exit the fluff and several trade accounts bring in fluff to keep up with Mum's enthusiasm. I now dye a bit myself so between us the supply is kept quite fresh.
2019 has seen me start our own website and relook at Folksy.
Because we have a large allotment it seemed natural to grow our own dye colours where possible and we now have a good supply of Coreopsis, Weld, Woad, Marigold and Dyers Chamomile.
We are a tiny home business and I hope you love what we do as much as we love doing it.
Thank you for reading about us, Linda and Janet.