We Loved Making This

Belinda Seagreen-Bell Plus

“From our Hands to your Home”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About We Loved Making This

We Loved Making This

We lovingly make crafts for your home and person from Yuletide baubles and gifts to smudging sticks, wedding accessories to childrens activities in a bag.

Hello, and welcome to We Loved Making This!

My name is Belinda and I live in Sussex with my husband, the sweetest old terrier, two cats and two bunnies. I work with other independant and amazing crafters and we all have our individual passions and skills. All of our homes are shared with furry loves of the cat, dog, hen and bunny variety.

We Loved Making This was initially born in 2011 with the intention of attending many craft fairs and I have loved making items for family and friends through the years. I have made handfasting outfits, suncatchers, christmas tree decorations, quilts, Wiccan wands and altar items and lots of jewellery. This year, I wanted to stretch myself and see if others enjoyed my creations as much as my family and friends have, so I am stepping out of the comfort zone of 11 years and into the great wide world. Hi! I am so excited to be here!

I have invited my crafty friends to join me in stepping out and am looking forward to their wonderful crafts finally making their debut too. They have so much tallent!
Ayesha is the potter and loves all things witchy. She shares her home with her partner, two delightful children and some furry and feathered loves.
Sharon is the artist in our group and makes the most stunning upcycled wood and bark art, not to mention her paintings! She shares her home with her gorgeous dogs.
Shirley is predominantly a crocheter, but knits, beads and makes the prettiest wedding headgear. She shares her home with many, including her stunning ginger cats and sweet little daxi dog.
Belinda, (that's me) likes to try out different crafts and has yet to find a favourite. She loves beading, making jewellery, sewing, upcycling lamps and all things witchy too.

We all work from our own homes in England and all items purchased will be shipped by the maker.