Tammy Park Art

“Pet Portrait and Wildlife Artist”

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About Tammy Park Art

Tammy Park Art

Pet Portrait and Wildlife Artist

I am a mixed media pet portrait and wildlife artist from Preston, Lancashire.

From a young age I was interested in art and was inspired by my teachers at high school, going on to study Art at college with the intention of teaching and inspiring other young people. Unfortunately, the course was too restrictive and led me to lose my enthusiasm for art and creating, so I left the course and pursued another career, rarely picking up a pencil in over thirteen years.

It took a family tragedy to bring me back to fine art and reignite my passion, when I was gifted art materials that had belonged to my Nanna. When we lost her, I decided to put her gift to good use and make her proud.

Returning to art felt like coming home and I now can't imagine a life where I don't create artwork.

I now specialise in creating pet portraits and wildlife art. As a pet owner and animal lover who currently volunteers for a pet charity, I understand the amazing relationships that we have with our pets and the animals around us. Because of this, I understand the importance of not only capturing their likeness, but also their character and spirit in the pieces that I create.

'Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened' - Anatole France