Memori Prints

“Handmade Screen Prints”

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About Memori Prints

Memori Prints

Limited Edition Handmade Screen Prints

Vince Handford is a graphic designer and screen print obsessive. Under his business name (Memori Prints) he makes limited edition screen prints, utilising his background in design to combine striking colours, patterns and images. He also produces one-off commissions and screen prints of artwork for other artists and designers.

A graduate in Graphic Design from Plymouth College of Art, for the past 5 years, Vince has worked in an art working/graphic design role for a vinyl record and CD producer. Vince first discovered screen printing and felt inspired to learn more about the technique after seeing screen printed posters at gigs and festivals.

Memori Prints uses non toxic water based inks along with GF Smith papers which are FSC certified and do not use harmful chlorine in production.


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