Sally Elizabeth Rust Designs

Sally White

  • United Kingdom

“From rusty old metal to Arts and Crafts with attractive and unusual rust designs ”

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About Sally Elizabeth Rust Designs

Sally Elizabeth Rust Designs

I am always on the lookout for rusty objects - they make amazing prints!

Hello and Welcome to my Shop
My art has been on a very creative journey working with the processes of decay in our natural world as discovered while studying for a B.A. Degree in Art and Design - Multidisciplinary.

As a result patterns and shapes were contrived by decaying metals that eventually produced rust. With this in mind examples of rust prints were made and developed from all sorts of things including nails screws and car brake discs!

Fabric dyeing and rust printmaking have also been explored forming patterns which have inspired me to generate prints depicting our canine and feline companions to create cards and mounted prints.

I have been producing attractive rust designs to demonstrate the artistic and exciting use of rust printing to make various decorative products suitable for any occasion.