Original art collage entitl...
I am motivated by colour and love to make bright mixed media collages. My shop also contains greetings cards printed from the collages. For the artwork I use many different materials including newsprint and magazine cuttings and sometimes textile fragments. I also collect and use items from travels (near and far) such as paper napkins, menus and flyers. However I make my own acrylic monoprints and these form the biggest part of the collages I make. The process is quite time consuming in trying to find the exact, colour, shape and tone of paper or other material to use. If viewers feel cheered and uplifted by my work, then I feel I have achieved my aim.
I make the acrylic monoprints in batches without any idea of what they may be used for. When starting a painting I often paint an acrylic background and then select some collage papers to use. These are then cut or torn in a random or pre-defined way and reassembled to form an image, which is generally semi-abstract. The composition is not defined at the beginning but arises organically, as I work with various prints and papers, with regard to the reference material I have gathered eg sketches and photos.