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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Simply Saggy

Simply Saggy

Crafting to help support the 4 legged part of the family !!

Hi, I'm Sara.

Saggy is a nickname I was given in childhood and unfortunately as I've aged its become more apt !

I work full time and find crafting is a great stress reliever. However a "few" purchases here and there soon add up and I've decided to take it more seriously and look to recoup some costs so the 4 legged part of the family stay well fed and get new toys :)

I enjoy a variety of medias and I think it will be obvious I love colour.
Prices will be kept as reasonable as they can be and I will be regularly updating the shop as I go so please favourite me and keep checking back.

I am not opposed to taking commisions so if you see something you like but want it slightly different let me know but please bear in mind there would be a delay in delivery times.

I hope you like what you see enough to press buy as George, Maisie and Henry want some new balls and teddies

Sara x